Fire King Sanctuary

Normal Spell

When this card is activated: You can place 1 "Fire King Island" from your Deck face-up in your Field Zone.

Once per turn, if a card in your Field Zone would be destroyed by card effect, you can destroy 1 FIRE monster in your hand or face-up field instead.

Once per turn, if your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), you can: Immediately after this effect resolves, Xyz Summon 1 FIRE Xyz Monster using only "Fire King" monsters you control.

You can only activate 1 "Fire King Sanctuary" per turn.

This card grabs Fire King Island, and makes sure it stays protected, provided you have a FIRE monster available to sacrifice.

...and it also nukes the entire board if your opponent dares to Special Summon a monster while you control 2 Level 8 Fire Kings.

How, you may ask? Because the only Xyz worth making with this card's last effect is Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings. The rest of the FIRE Xyz Monster pool isn't even worth looking at.

Generally you will want to hold onto this effect as your last disruption, using up your handtraps, negates and other disruptions first, and then clean up the mess with Hyang at the very end. Hopefully this will clear the way for a nice OTK, see the [OTK combos] for more details.

Running 1 copy is mandatory, but 2-3 copies is recommended.

[OTK combos]: ../../playing-the-deck/combos/