Handling Interruptions
Sometimes, things go wrong. What do we do when that happens?
So far we've taken a look at the Fire King strategy in a vacuum, but Yu-Gi-Oh! is a 2-player game, and your opponent will certainly have a plethora of cards and effects that can interrupt you, or at least make your strategy a bit more complicated to execute.
It's crucial to know how to avoid and handle these interruptions, how to recover when they successfully resolve, and to determine when things go wrong enough that it's better to just shuffle your Deck and go to game 2.
Going first, the biggest thing you should worry about are the handtraps your opponent might be running. Ranging from monster negates like Effect Veiler and Infinite Impermanence, to board-destroying effects like Nibiru, the Primal Being, to the ever-frustrating Dimension Shifter, and more recently, the [Mulcharmy cards], these can either end your turn outright, or give your opponent sufficient advantage to win the game next turn.
Of course, going second you are faced with all the above, plus your opponent's set up board. Depending on what deck they're playing, you might need to adapt your playstyle accordingly in order to avoid playing into their strategy.
We aren't able to cover how to counter the meta at any given moment, as that's bound to change often with new banlists and product releases. However, we can build a general library of things to look out for, and then you can adapt and apply that knowledge for the decks you're expecting to face.
The best way to learn about what's played right now is to engage with the game's various communities, from Discord servers like the [Fire King server], to the [/r/yugioh subreddit] and local communities you might have access to. Make sure to participate in them and keep an eye on what's happening.
With that out of the way, let's talk about the types of disruption you might encounter, and how to recover after encountering them.
[_Mulcharmy_ cards]: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Mulcharmy [/r/yugioh subreddit]: https://reddit.com/r/yugioh [Fire King server]: https://discord.gg/ErkeY4g9PG