Island, Sacred Garunix, High Kirin

Next up, this hand:

At first glance, this hand can look pretty bad - no Legendary Fire King Ponix, no Fire King Courtier Ulcanix, and no Fire King Sanctuary which means no Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings.

How do we play here?

Well, it's Kirin's time to shine. We haven't really looked at his Quick Effect in practice besides mentioning it can be used to dodge targeting negation, but it can do so much more. Let's see it in action.

Does this board look familiar? We turned this hand into the same result as Step 8 of the 2-card Ponix combo. We can now go into Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf and Relinquished Anima to retrieve Kirin from GY, then Link into Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, revive a monster, and Link into Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale.

We have all our usual interruptions, and the hand we started with looked completely different from what we were used to so far! Isn't Kirin awesome?