Salamangreat Almiraj

Link 1 FIRE Cyberse

1 Normal Summoned monster with 1000 or less ATK

(Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card, then target 1 monster you control; it cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects this turn.

When a Normal Summoned monster you control is destroyed by battle, while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card.

You can only use this effect of "Salamangreat Almiraj" once per turn.


Almiraj is a nifty card.

First of all, it makes the Ponix + any Fire King combos possible, as we can Link Summon this using Ponix in order to have a target for Arvata/Kirin.

Additionally, it enables us to perform the [Sunlight Wolf recycling pattern] more easily, by using just 1 material to summon something under Sunlight Wolf.

And last but not least, it can turn any handtrap into a FIRE monster, to make Fire King Island plays with, in case you didn't open a good hand.

Its effects aren't too relevant but in some situations you can protect a monster from being destroyed by card effects, so that never hurts to have.

We heavily recommend running 1 copy if you own it.

[_Sunlight Wolf recycling pattern_]: ../../playing-the-deck/patterns/