The Main Deck
On average, a pure Fire King deck will have about 15 spots for generic non-engine. For the most part you'll want to fill up that space with handtraps like Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, consistency cards like One for One, and defensive cards like Called by the Grave.
A build focused on going second could forgo the handtraps and defensive cards for board breakers like Lightning Storm and Dark Ruler No More.
Alternatively, you could dedicate some spots for a second engine that helps you reach your starters, like the Kashtira/Arsenal Falcon engine. In this guide we'll focus on the pure deck, but keep these options in mind if you think you require more power/consistency than the pure variant can offer.
Let's explore some of these cards and see what they can do for us.
[the Discord server]: section is intentionally kept very small, as we won't cover generic non-engine that doesn't do anything notable for our deck. If you have suggestions of a card that is particularly interesting in Fire King, let us know in [the Discord server] and we'll add it here.