Fire King High Avatar Kirin

Level 8 FIRE Beast

During the Main Phase, if this card is in your hand (Quick Effect): You can destroy 1 other FIRE monster in your hand or face-up field, and if you do, Special Summon this card.

If this card is destroyed and sent to the GY: You can Special Summon 1 "Fire King" monster from your hand or GY, except "Fire King High Avatar Kirin", then you can destroy 1 card on the field.

You can only use each effect of "Fire King High Avatar Kirin" once per turn.

ATK 2400 | DEF 200

High Kirin plays an important role as both an extender, and as on-demand card removal.

His first effect enables to you destroy any of your FIRE monsters to Special Summon it to the field. In practice this either means blowing up your Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale and raining fire on your opponent, or getting Kirin next to Sacred Fire King Garunix to... rain fire on your opponent using Fire King Sanctuary and Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings. Either way, your opponent won't like it.

Another use-case for Kirin is destroying Legendary Fire King Ponix or Fire King Courtier Ulcanix to dodge targeting negation like Effect Veiler or Infinite Impermanence. By chaining to them and resolving the destruction effect before the negating effect can resolve, Ponix/Ulcanix will be able to resolve theirs, making your opponent waste a card.

His second effect lets you revive any other Fire King from your GY while also destroying a card on the field. You'll make use of this often via Sacred Garunix, either to extend your combo, to remove an opponent's card, or as a tactical nuke on Hyang to Special Summon even more monsters.

Furthermore, it can form a fun loop with Fire King Avatar Arvata. Provided Kirin is in the GY, whenever Arvata is destroyed you can revive Kirin, then destroy it during the End Phase, letting you revive Arvata. Making use of this interaction can help you preserve resources in the deck by just looping the cards you already have in the GY.

Running 2-3 copies is recommended. Most people run 3 because opening Kirin never hurts, and it can be useful to have more copies available during longer, grindier games.