The Monsters
There are 12 Fire King monsters - 11 Main Deck ones, and one Extra Deck monster.
We'll first cover the essentials of the Fire King engine, cards like Legendary Fire King Ponix and Sacred Fire King Garunix. Then we'll talk about extenders and utility cards, such as Fire King High Avatar Kirin and Fire King Avatar Arvata.
We'll then switch to the Extra Deck and look at the final boss of the Fire King deck - Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings.
Keep in mind that most, if not all of the commentary will be focused on the card's usage nowadays; some cards had their time to shine through the archetype's history but now aren't as useful anymore. Some could be underpowered now, but future players might find a way to make them powerful. This is normal and is expected to change as the game evolves in speed and depth of effects and interactions.
Without further ado, let's start with the cutest member of the bunch - Legendary Fire King Ponix!