
Welcome to The Fire King Sanctuary - a book dedicated to Fire Kings, a Yu-Gi-Oh! archetype and deck. It aims to be a comprehensive resource for anyone who wants to learn to play the deck, either casually or competitively.

This book assumes you already know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh! at a basic level and that you have a decent grasp on most gameplay concepts. We do want to make it a valuable read for all types of players, so we'll try to explain more advanced concepts where applicable, but beginners should expect to Google some things here and there.

Additionally, note that this guide focuses on the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. While most of it will apply for the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG as well, there will be some details that differ between the two formats.

We'll begin by talking briefly about the archetype as a whole, its defining characteristics, and its strategy (following the current consensus on how the deck should be played).

Then, we'll zoom in and go through all the Fire King cards, discussing their role in the deck, and suggested ratios to start deckbuilding with. We'll also briefly touch on non-engine and cards outside of the archetype that truly level up your deck, so you're not missing out on anything that could help you win games.

Finally, we'll get to actually playing the deck. We'll take a look at the play patterns and combos you need to know, learn how to play through your opponent's interruptions, and discuss some interesting opening hands. We'll top it all off with some tips & tricks, and various extras you might want to know.

By the end of this guide you should be well-equipped to pilot a Fire King deck and understand how to make the most out of it during all your duels, from casual games with friends to intense matches at tournaments.

With all that out of the way, let's get started!