Reading this Book

We recommend reading the book in its entirety for the best experience, as future chapters build on the information presented in earlier chapters.

At the same time, we also want to make it easy for you to browse, bookmark and reference certain pages and sections - as such, any pages that require prior reading will have links to the relevant material. For example, any mention of a card in this guide will have a link to its discussion in this book, or to Yugipedia if the card is not covered here.

Once we get to patterns and combos, we'll start including videos and detailed instructions on how to perform them. We recommend playing along and practicing everything as you read - this way you're able to learn much faster.

The easiest way to do this is through a simulator - Project Ignis: EDOPro was used to test and perform everything in this book, as it lets you set the order of the cards in the deck, disable shuffling, and draw a specific number of cards - perfect for learning (and writing a guide!)

If you are learning the deck to play the physical card game, we definitely recommend following along and performing everything with real cards. Practice waiting for your opponent's response between actions, and say each action out loud before doing it. This will quickly build your muscle memory and will make playing at tournaments much easier.

In short, don't just read how to play the deck, put it in practice too!

Every play and combo showcased is performed using a sample decklist which you can find in the Extras section.

It might look different from what you will ultimately build for yourself, but that's alright. As long as your deck has the cards used in these combos and patterns, you should be fine.