Recycling cards with Sunlight Wolf
You're using up a lot of cards as you perform your combos. Thus, making use of Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf to recover one of these cards can strengthen your endboard or help you get enough fuel for the next turn. Don't hesitate to use this card, if you have resources available (and Nibiru, the Primal Being isn't around).
In a nutshell, you want to summon Sunlight Wolf in the Extra Monster Zone, then summon another card below it in order to trigger this effect.
One way to do this is through Ponix + 2 other FIRE monsters. Let's take a look.
You can also do this with any 4 monsters (at least 2 FIREs). This has the advantage that you can Link Summon I:P Masquerena under Sunlight Wolf, which can be used further as Link Material for Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames into Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale. Then, when Amblowhale gets destroyed, it can bring back Masquerena to act as an additional interruption.
When to perform this pattern
- If you aim to end your turn on Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale, retrieving a Fire King High Avatar Kirin can act as a safety net if you're unable to use Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames's GY effect.
- If you had to use Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, either as interruption or as Island fodder, getting her back into the hand forces your opponent to play around her next turn, potentially giving you an advantage.
- You can also just go for it you just have a lot of material around and you're not afraid of Nibiru, the Primal Being.
Enough material for:
- Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf
- A Link-1 or higher of your choosing
- Link Summon Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf using 2 FIRE monsters.
- Link Summon any Link-1 or higher under Sunlight Wolf.
- Activate Sunlight Wolf's effect to add a FIRE monster from the GY to your hand.
You add back a FIRE monster from the GY to your hand, while still preserving enough material for a Link-3 like Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames.
Use your best judgement and your intuition when deciding whether this pattern is worth going for. Recycling a card can be immensely powerful, but it comes at the cost of playing into Nibiru, the Primal Being.
Keep in mind you cannot Summon the monster added back to your hand or any monsters with the same name - thus, if you add back a Fire King High Avatar Kirin, you cannot use its effect that turn.
Sometimes it might be more advantageous to summon something from the hand or GY under Sunlight Wolf - keep an eye out for such opportunities, but in the vast majority of cases, Link Summoning something is your best bet to trigger Sunlight Wolf.
Finally, Sunlight Wolf's effect also works if your opponent summons something next to one of its links - this very rarely ever happens, but if it does, be sure to punish your opponent for their mistake and use its effect.