Ponix + Sacred

There are two limitations at play that make this starting hand less potent than it could have been without them - specifically, the the Green Baboon ruling, and Sacred Fire King Garunix's own restriction on its Special Summoning effect.

The Green Baboon ruling only lets us Special Summon one monster from the hand in response to a FIRE/Fire King being destroyed. Since Sacred Garunix is so integral to our strategy, you will almost always choose to summon him over anything else you might have in your hand.

That, coupled with its own restriction that states Sacred must be in the GY at the time of destruction in order to Special Summon it from the GY, means you'll often destroy him with Fire King Island just to search another copy.

All this forces Ponix + Sacred combos to be the exact same as the Ponix + any Fire King lines, as the first copy of Sacred is nothing more than a FIRE monster for the purposes of these combos.

That said, having 2 copies of Sacred in rotation makes your grind game so much more resilient. Opponents that have access to banish effects will look to banish your Sacred Garunix as soon as possible to limit your ability to cycle resources - that becomes much harder to do when there are two of them floating around.

Perform the Ponix + any Fire King lines if you open this starting hand.