Ponix + Ash Blossom
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring quite often plays double duty in our deck because she's a very powerful interruption that's also a FIRE monster - thus giving you the option to use her as fodder for Fire King Island if needed.
Using her in this way poses the following question - should you play safe and go straight for the endboard, or risk playing into Nibiru, the Primal Being in order to recover Ash Blossom from the GY?
Sometimes, going for it is worth the risk. As such, one of the goals of the following combos is to retain value from the Ash Blossom by either recovering her immediately with the Sunlight Wolf recycling pattern, or leaving the opportunity open to do so later, using Duelittle Chimera towards the end of the interruption sequence.
We have multiple possible routes available:
Princess + Arvata setup (Sunlight Wolf route)
This route aims to recover Ash Blossom from the GY using the Sunlight Wolf recycling pattern, before ending on Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames and Fire King Avatar Arvata.
This route plays into Nibiru, the Primal Being - be careful!
Under Mulcharmy Fuwalos, your opponent draws 4 cards.
- Normal Summon Legendary Fire King Ponix.
- Ponix effect to add Fire King Sanctuary from Deck.
- Activate Sanctuary; place Fire King Island in Field Zone.
- Link Summon Salamangreat Almiraj using Ponix.
- Island effect to destroy Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, add Sacred Fire King Garunix from Deck.
- Sacred effect to Special Summon itself.
- Sacred effect to destroy Fire King Avatar Arvata from Deck.
- Arvata effect to Special Summon Ponix from GY.
- Link Summon Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf with Sacred and Almiraj.
- Link Summon Relinquished Anima using Ponix.
- Wolf effect to add Ash Blossom back to hand.
- Link Summon Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames using Wolf and Anima.
- Princess effect to Special Summon Arvata from GY.
Tip: Avoid bringing Fire King High Avatar Kirin into rotation when performing these combos. Doing so would go against the goal of recovering Ash Blossom from the GY, causing a huge loss in overall value for both cards (as ideally you'd recover Kirin in that situation, if at all possible).
Arvata or Ulcanix are perfectly adequate for your needs here.
Princess + Arvata setup (Duelittle Chimera route)
This route aims to recover Ash Blossom from the GY using Duelittle Chimera's effect later on during your opponent's turn.
The goal is to use your interruptions until the point Fire King Avatar Arvata is destroyed by Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames's GY effect, then revive Chimera with Arvata's effect.
You should be able to use all your remaining interruptions, line up 2 Level 8s, and then summon Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings, using his effect to destroy Chimera.
Alternatively, you can wait until the End Phase and let Arvata's effect expire, destroying Chimera in the process.
This route plays into Nibiru, the Primal Being - be careful!
Under Mulcharmy Fuwalos, your opponent draws 3 cards.
- Normal Summon Legendary Fire King Ponix.
- Ponix effect to add Fire King Sanctuary from Deck.
- Activate Sanctuary; place Fire King Island in Field Zone.
- Link Summon Salamangreat Almiraj using Ponix.
- Island effect to destroy Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, add Sacred Fire King Garunix from Deck.
- Sacred effect to Special Summon itself.
- Sacred effect to destroy Fire King Avatar Arvata from Deck.
- Arvata effect to Special Summon Ponix from GY.
- Link Summon Duelittle Chimera.
- Link Summon Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames.
- Princess effect to Special Summon Arvata from GY.
Tip: Avoid bringing Fire King High Avatar Kirin into rotation when performing these combos. Doing so would go against the goal of recovering Ash Blossom from the GY, causing a huge loss in overall value for both cards (as ideally you'd recover Kirin in that situation, if at all possible).
Arvata or Ulcanix are perfectly adequate for your needs here.
Amblowhale setup (Sunlight Wolf route)
This route aims to recover Ash Blossom from the GY using the Sunlight Wolf recycling pattern, before ending the turn on Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale, with the help of Fire King Courtier Ulcanix and Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames.
It also gets Ulcanix into rotation, aiming to summon her during the opponent's turn and search a card, or set up a Rangbali negate.
This route plays into Nibiru, the Primal Being - be careful!
Under Mulcharmy Fuwalos, your opponent draws 5 cards.
- Normal Summon Legendary Fire King Ponix.
- Ponix effect to add Fire King Sanctuary from Deck.
- Activate Sanctuary; place Fire King Island in Field Zone.
- Island effect to destroy Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, add Sacred Fire King Garunix from Deck.
- Sacred effect to Special Summon itself.
- Sacred effect to destroy Fire King Courtier Ulcanix from Deck.
- Ulcanix effect to Special Summon Fire King High Avatar Garunix from Deck.
- Link Summon Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf with Sacred and High Garunix.
- Link Summon Salamangreat Almiraj using Ponix.
- Wolf effect to add Ash Blossom back to hand.
- Link Summon Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames using Wolf and Almiraj.
- Princess effect to Special Summon Ponix from GY.
- Link Summon Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale.
Tip: Avoid bringing Fire King High Avatar Kirin into rotation when performing these combos. Doing so would go against the goal of recovering Ash Blossom from the GY, causing a huge loss in overall value for both cards (as ideally you'd recover Kirin in that situation, if at all possible).
Arvata or Ulcanix are perfectly adequate for your needs here.
Amblowhale setup (Duelittle Chimera route)
This route aims to recover Ash Blossom from the GY using Duelittle Chimera's effect later on during your opponent's turn.
It also gets Ulcanix into rotation, aiming to summon her during the opponent's turn and search a card, or set up a Rangbali negate.
Using Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames's GY effect, you can destroy Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale, then use its effect to revive Chimera.
After that, you ideally should be able to use all your remaining interruptions, line up 2 Level 8s, and then summon Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings, using his effect to destroy Chimera.
This route plays into Nibiru, the Primal Being - be careful!
Under Mulcharmy Fuwalos, your opponent draws 4 cards.
- Normal Summon Legendary Fire King Ponix.
- Ponix effect to add Fire King Sanctuary from Deck.
- Activate Sanctuary; place Fire King Island in Field Zone.
- Island effect to destroy Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, add Sacred Fire King Garunix from Deck.
- Sacred effect to Special Summon itself.
- Sacred effect to destroy Fire King Courtier Ulcanix from Deck.
- Ulcanix effect to Special Summon Fire King High Avatar Garunix from Deck.
- Link Summon Duelittle Chimera.
- Link Summon Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames.
- Princess effect to Special Summon Ponix from GY.
- Link Summon Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale.
Tip: Avoid bringing Fire King High Avatar Kirin into rotation when performing these combos. Doing so would go against the goal of recovering Ash Blossom from the GY, causing a huge loss in overall value for both cards (as ideally you'd recover Kirin in that situation, if at all possible).
Arvata or Ulcanix are perfectly adequate for your needs here.