Ponix + Barong

Using Fire King Avatar Barong as the second card in our combos allows us to ensure our Amblowhale boards don't get easily sabotaged. Using his Standby Phase effect, we can add Fire King High Avatar Kirin to our hand and use it to destroy Amblowhale at our own discretion instead of relying on our opponent to trigger Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames's GY effect.

This means that generally you don't want to extend by destroying Fire King Avatar Arvata or Fire King High Avatar Kirin from Deck, as you'd be forced to revive Barong, making his effect unable to trigger anymore.

Instead, if Nibiru, the Primal Being is not an issue, you'll want to opt for the Ulcanix + Duelittle Chimera route of the Ponix + any Fire King combo, ending on an Amblowhale endboard with lots of utility, and now a High Avatar Kirin in hand.

This combo plays into Nibiru, the Primal Being - be careful!

Under Mulcharmy Fuwalos, your opponent draws 4 cards.
