Turning handtraps into combo pieces

Playing too much non-engine can cause you to encounter suboptimal opening hands sometimes. That sucks - but depending on the situation you might still be able to make some plays.

Linking handtraps into Almiraj

Thanks to Salamangreat Almiraj, Sanctuary + pretty much any handtrap is a Hyang setup:

You have Hyang ready to go, and assuming the other 3 cards were also handtraps, you have 4 interruptions total to mess your opponent up with.

Sanctuary + any FIRE + any handtrap

This is a 3-card combo that can end on Amphibious Swarmship Amblowhale, and also searches Fire King Sky Burn for additional interruption.

This following combo works with any hand that has:

  • Fire King Sanctuary,
  • 1 FIRE monster (here it's Ash Blossom)
  • 1 Level 4 or lower monster with 1000 or less ATK (here, that's Effect Veiler)

You can also start with Fire King Island, but in that case Ponix will be forced to search Sanctuary so you can set up Hyang.

Before Link Summoning Amblowhale, you can Link Summon Duelittle Chimera using Ponix and Ulcanix. However, this means Sky Burn isn't online from the start (as you'll have to wait until Sacred returns to the field), so weigh both options carefully and pick the one that's best for the situation at hand.


With some clever manuvering, even an opening hand of handtraps can still set up a decent board, provided you opened Sanctuary (or Island).