Starting the Engine

As mentioned before, the deck really prefers to set up first, in order to put all the engine pieces into play. But what is the Fire King engine?

The way we see it, Sacred Fire King Garunix alongside Fire King Island are the main pieces of the engine - Sacred's ability to revive each turn when a FIRE card you control is destroyed, while also destroying another Fire King from deck, is what makes the deck tick and is the action you'll perform pretty much every turn.

Fire King Island enables all this, by destroying a FIRE every single turn, searching Sacred and triggering its effect to Special Summon itself, or searching any Fire King you need and triggering an existing Sacred in your hand or GY instead.

How do we get these cards into play? Most often, it'll be through our favorite birb, Legendary Fire King Ponix. Let's see it in action.

Base pattern - Ponix



Variation 1 - Ponix + Any FIRE monster in hand

This variation is used when performing a larger combo. By destroying a FIRE in hand instead of the Legendary Fire King Ponix on the field, you have 1 additional monster on the field to use as material for Link Summons.



  • Normal/Special Summon Legendary Fire King Ponix.
  • Activate Ponix's effect to search Fire King Sanctuary.
  • Activate Sanctuary from hand, place Fire King Island in Field Zone.
  • Activate Island's effect to destroy the FIRE monster in hand and search Sacred Fire King Garunix.
  • Activate Sacred Garunix's first effect to Special Summon itself from hand.
  • Activate Sacred Garunix's second effect to destroy any Fire King from deck.

Variation 2 - Ponix + Arvata/Kirin

When Fire King Avatar Arvata or Fire King High Avatar Kirin are destroyed, their effects let you Special Summon a Fire King from the GY. To ensure you have a valid target for these effects, we Link Summon Salamangreat Almiraj or Relinquished Anima to send Ponix to the GY.

This gives you yet another material for Link plays, and it is the main way to reach the Arvata + Amblowhale endboard.




Sacred Fire King Garunix is into play, allowing you to continuously revive him after he gets sent to the GY and bring other Fire Kings into play, via Island or any other destruction effect.

Furthermore, Fire King Sanctuary is activated, allowing you to Xyz Summon Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings during your opponent's turn (provided you have 2 Level 8s on the field).

The two variants make use of a monster in hand to generate additional Link material, helping you make a stronger endboard.


You will notice later on that the first variant is pretty much a basic [Hyang setup] combo. This is because this pattern is the building block that all the combos will expand upon.

The other two variants are the start of any 2-card Ponix combo, aiming to end on either Princess + Arvata, Amblowhale, or Amblowhale + Arvata.

[Hyang setup]: ../combos/